Senin, 19 Juli 2010

Looking for God

The Inspiration:

The Little Fish*

He came to the Master in sannyasi robes. And he spoke sannyasi language:
“For years
I have been seeking God. I have sought Him everywhere that He is said to be: on
mountain peaks, the vastness of the desert, and the silence of the cloister and the
dwellings of the poor.”
“Have you found him?” the Master asked.
“No. I have not. Have you?”
What could the Master say? The evening sun was sending shafts of golden light into
the room. Hundreds of sparrows were twittering on a banyan tree. In the distance one
could hear the sound of highway traffic. A mosquito droned a warning that it was going
to strike...
And yet this man could sit there and say he had not found Him.
After a white he left, disappointed, to search elsewhere.

"The Song of The Bird" (1982) - Anthony De Mello.

"TV Buddha" (1974) - Nam June Paik.

The Exhibition:

Host: Kelas Pagi Jakarta Angkatan IV
Time & Place: To be confirm.

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